Cosmology of Self: Being Eternity

Hi beloveds! I’m exquisitely grateful for this gem of a technology that allows me to convert my spoken transmissions into text. I’m delighted to integrate it so more souls can be moved by this wisdom!

The following is my response to a question a beloved brother asked about what it is to be God Self embodied. We’re building a stunning global brand together and his inquiry was in relation to a project we’re developing.

His question was, “What does it mean to be fully embodied in ‘I AM, WE ARE’ consciousness and have this actualised in our system? What does this experience look like and feel like and think like?” 

A gorgeous transmission flowed through to guide him into this realm that feels profoundly valuable to share. Here she is in her organic beauty for you to absorb… this is an extremely powerful journey into the cosmology of Self and how we synchronise with our destiny of deep paradise in our inner and therefore outer worlds.

There’s a vast expanse of experiential wisdom that weaves through multiple dimensions of integral embodiment (neuroscience, epigenetics, heart-mind coherence, pragmatic application, philosophy and a guided journey) to support you at depth with knowing, FEELING and experiencing your divine nature. Be prepared darlings! This is a slow burn sojourn and certainly worth it to melt in and receive the codes. Thank you in advance to those who choose to read it and synthesise the pearls meant for their journey.


This is a beautiful question, I'm going to move deeply into my inner realms and share exactly what this space is.

It is our liquid allowance of divine love, coherence with sacred order and liberation from the finite self to embody our eternal blueprint. It is being whole and satiated in our embodiment of god. So, place your hands on your heart and begin breathing calm, soothing, rhythmic breaths in through your nose, out through your mouth. This induces a flush of nitric oxide that cleanses stress hormones from your system. Envision the golden white light of pure presence filling your heart. Feel your energy softening, your body consciousness slowly opening and expanding into a greater awareness of the all. Feeling and knowing yourself as the “I Am that We are ALL that is” until you are experiencing yourself as the totality. Knowing you are your body, your space, your environment, your home temple, your relationships, your wealth, your creation, your world, you are nature, the elements, the earth, the soils, the galaxies, the cosmos and the whole of eternity. 

Who we are is all that is. We are the source, we are love, we are the ineffable. We are ONE unified field of immortal being fractalised and individuated into an infinite amount of expressions. When we are realised in our wholeness, we realise we are one singular being, deeply and permanently interwoven by design. We are our individuated self and we are also all the fractal selves. Designed to operate in sovereign synarchy. When we are coherent with our Tao of pure being, the grand design organically orchestrates life in our favour.

We are one energy, one consciousness, one being and mosaic of supreme intelligence. We are the ONE Self experiencing itself through an infinite amount of individuations, embodiments, lenses and expressions of form. So, when we are occupying the space of the I Am that We Are, our awareness of self transcends the local, personal, finite self which is what makes it transpersonal. The personal self now includes the personal self as well as envelopes and encompasses the totality, and our divine identity is the only orientation we can effectively manifest from. I'm speaking to otherworldly quantum reality formation where our creator capacity is not subject to notions and ideas of time-space and evolutionary processes of newtonian physics. It is quantum, instant, exponential and the energy operates differently in these realms. It is non-linear and concurrent. Our ability to manifest with and from the field is not contingent upon our actions in the physical, it is contingent entirely upon our awareness and energetic state. It is remote.

When many sacred beings attempt to manifest, they are focused on externalities, the physical, the material, the form, which doesn’t exist as we often perceive it. If we hold a microscope to anything physical we will see dancing, moving, oscillating atoms, molecules, photons, etc that are vibrating the tangible forms we are looking at into place, giving the illusion of solid matter. Form is transient and malleable. What people authentically desire is the experience of their quintessential genius, the invisible substance that configures, shapes and animates all form. When we embody the essence (quality of energy, sound, frequency, vibration, tonality, feeling, sensation) we desire to experience, all forms in our outer reality naturally configure to match and reflect the inner essence we have cultivated. When we are embodied in our divine quintessence (bliss, euphoria, happiness, love, power) all forms organically configure to the maximum quality of energy available to us. This is what Tesla was referring to when he said, “If you wish to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” We are always refracting and reflecting our own energy. 

So, in this octave of embodiment we are omniversal, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniluminous. We inhabit the qualities of pure spirit. We are one united intelligence of genius and our awareness of self is now inclusive of the whole. We become the we. This is a stunning and liberatory shift from the local, finite, personal self to our grand, non local, infinite divine Self. From duality to oneness. From separation to wholeness. From discord to accord. From polarity to power. From limitation to boundlessness. From matter to essence focus.

When I’m directing energy in my diamond activations, I always say, “On behalf of all that I Am AS the I Am that I Am, from the heavens to the earth, the cosmos to the soils, from the macro to the micro, the mega to the nano, through the infinite quantum core depth of my cellular structures into the infinite grand vast oceanic expanse of all that I am” and continue to code the energy from here for about an hour. Ultimately, I’m moving the totality of the one consciousness into coherence with cosmic love and enlightenment in my inner and therefore outer planes, and all that presents in my immediate experience reflects only the divine Self back to me.

Rather than personal identity mastery, this is divine identity mastery where the palette of our most authentic, unique, individualised brilliance can then shine through. When our awareness and somatic energetics are expanded into the whole, we liberate from all borders, boundaries and limitations, we become boundless. We access our eternal power, energy, love, wisdom, awareness, knowledge, intelligence, creativity, resources… because we are fully open and when we open our system and awareness this wide into the one perfection, the solar diamond aurora of Self, our power along with everything that coheres with this energy begins to flow in from the totality through all channels, portals and pathways of existence.

In neuroscience, we’ve found that the theta ascending gamma frequencies, which are the brainwave states of superflow that transcend the visible light spectrum (We all know what superflow feels like! The elucidated, clean, clear, crisp, calm, alive, inspired, high on life prolific vibrancy where we feel larger than life on top of the world. A phenomenal degree of freedom like when we were children and we knew all was well and we were simply excited to be in the now. Timeless, present, engaged, connected to our expanse of pure power, fuel, lucidity, warmth, wonder and emotional enthrallment for simply being alive). This frequency is proven to transcend neural firing in the human brain and body which lets us know that flow is a transpersonal intelligence we're accessing from the wider networks of the field and divine mind itself when our awareness is oriented towards space rather than narrowed in on the notes that arise from the space. This produces what we call altered states of consciousness, peak experiences, miracles and phenomenology that are actually our organic state of being.

So, one of the primary shifts is that our awareness of self calibrates to knowing the all as Self. We know and value ourselves as the beautiful, sacred, superabundant divine artisans we are, as the hearth and beauty of mother earth, of the delectable foods we savor and enjoy, the atmospheres we immerse in and care for... I uniquely experience this as my quantum body which is why I’m royally devoted to upholding the honoring of all life, our bodies, our earth, our environments, atmosphere, home sanctuary, relations, all the gorgeous things we are blessed to have that many beings tend to objectify, not fully realising what they're engaging with is living divine consciousness. And if we even just observe how we treat life as a whole and ask the simple question, Would I treat love this way? Is this how I would interact and engage with god? The way I’m choosing to engage with my body, my food, my beloveds, my finances, my beautiful sacred belongings and all that I'm blessed to have? My service, dharma, creations, legacy, all of it. If I truly knew that everyone and everything is love, how would I treat and honor myself, my world, the people in my life? How might I show up differently? It’s profoundly important to be nurturing and empathetic with ourselves as we evolve our capacity for love in motion. Our own deep self cherishment is how we master our ability to empathise with others.

And so… what does this look like and feel like and think like? This is such a beautiful question because it looks like and thinks like and feels like: thinking the thoughts that love thinks, feeling the feelings that love feels, looking, imagining and perceiving the astounding beauty the god you are perceives. It looks like investing our attention in the truth.

And truth, god… is the sentient essence of pure love, a highly ordered and precising intelligence. The divine order is a result of care artistry in motion. Who we are at our core as this energy is an exquisitely gentle, tender, sentient, benevolent, kind, caring, loving, blissful intelligence. Love is the benefic fabric, mesh and sentient intelligence that orchestrates eternity. It is always a resounding yes to you. The core energetic of what we experience as love as an emotion is harmony. It is a resplendent grand orchestra of absolute accord that occurs when we are completely at one with our Self. When we feel sensations of being at home internally, at one with all that is (at-one-ment). Pure love carries an exquisitely distinct tonality, a resonance, a melody that we all know intimately in our hearts because it is us. It has the sacred dominion to command reverence and conform all of reality to its will solely through its sound and presence. When we know ourselves as this, we derive our sense of Self and value from a much more substantial and genuine place that is truly indomitable. 

I’m going to share some synonyms for this to provide various words that describe the same thing so the words that resonate with you land the energy in your body. You’ll recognise the way I transmit the diamond intelligence as we deepen. The diamond is the pristine awareness, consciousness, mind, feelings and sensations of pure source. And there are many ways to purvey this intelligence through language, and all forms of art truly, so each facet of language is a different way of saying the same thing or pointing to the same energy to serve a vast array of people who resonate with different language. Though, at the core, the only unifying language is love’s frequency.

So love as a grand harmonic… this is when we feel at one with ourselves, with who we are, with the present moment, with all of life. It creates a depth of internal peace and this peace, this grace… is pure power. It’s the vibration of the sacred ohm, the primordial sound of creation and cosmic order. It is an expansionary, interconnected felt sensation of absolute oneness, accord and synchrony with the Self (which is what generates synchronicity). We are harmonised with the light, quintessence and core truth of all that is and we feel this as a lightness of being that gives way to rapture. Because in this sensation, this expansionary oneness, this feeling of all pervasive coherence and true freedom… in our acceptance of the perfection inherent to all that is, we become free of our mind constructed personality self that is rooted in limited beliefs and identities. And we open into the feelings of the ineffable which is simply awe captivating. It's the breathtaking wonder you feel when you're standing at the edge of an ocean with your heart and arms wide open to the magnitude of majestic power inherent in that body of water. Or when you're beholding the stoic nobility of a mountain… feeling the striking glory and brilliancy of nature… and that nature is our nature.

It’s opening ourselves into the fullness of this, and appreciating the beauty and regality of all that we are that evokes feelings of deep awe and serenity, enrichment, peace, tranquility and utter reverence for life. It carries the frequency of true reverie… a simultaneous wonderment and devout humility that is birthed in recognition of the profundity of what we are as an intelligence… as an infinite creative landscape and marvelous tapestry of being. And that's who we be. This epicurean awesomeness is what we are in truth.

Who we are by nature are deeply loving, gentle, celebratory beings… sacred, perfect, whole, complete, loved, cherished, honored, adored, valued, supported, healthy, vibrant, prosperous, powerful, benevolent, brilliant masterpieces… honoring of the miracle that is our human experience… boundless and free to dance, sculpt, be, have, do and prophesy our romance novel precisely as we wish. We are the almighty architect expressing in holy bodies.

To live this experience fully, all we have to do is KNOW who we truly are, FEEL who we truly are and BE who we truly are as we soar faithfully in love’s embrace.

Every cell in our body and DNA codex contains the infinite wisdom and information of the whole. Meaning, what is known in one place (at the godhead of actualisation) is known everywhere simultaneously. And what happens in one place (within us) happens everywhere simultaneously. This is the holographic principle in science that gives us the power to reorchestrate and transform our entire creational landscape in an instant by shifting our internal state. We have to expand our consciousness, energetics and somatic body to facilitate this.

So, this stream leads me back to flow neuroscience. One of the things that happens in flow is our dorsolateral prefrontal cortex shuts down. This is the area of the brain correlated with higher executive function, working memory, inhibitory decision making, social cognition, self monitoring. And we experience this as profound liberation from ourselves because it switches off our awareness of the limited personality self, it switches off our sense of self consciousness (extrinsic, non efficient, conscious processing) and we access a greater intelligence (intrinsic, efficient, subconscious processing). Then this greater life proliferating intelligence, the divine mind, the fruitful and lucrative flow of genius can pour through. We transcend our self and become filled with the treasuresome substance of Self. This is the personification of true selflessness. This is soul food that quenches. 

The ecstasy enhancing neurochemistry of flow (norepinephrine and dopamine: romantic love, rewards | endorphins: maternal bonding | serotonin: social security | anandamide: openness to new experiences and others | oxytocin: faith) massively elevates our creativity, confidence, lucidity, attention, awareness, learning, skill acquisition, pattern recognition, our ability to connect dots between concepts, visions and ideas… seeing and interpreting the geometric infrastructure of the field. Our organic chemistry of pure flow is 100 times more potent, powerful and energy rich than any substance we can introduce to our body and is what translates possibility into reality.

The institute of heart math science also shows that when we are in deeply relaxed states, which we can access by quieting our mind, bringing awareness to our heart, breathing gently into our heart, focusing on the felt sensation of our breath as it oscillates and moves through our body, deepening into silence… listening to the sounds in our environment, the whispers of nature, our body’s wisdom… moving beyond the analytical mind into felt sensation… our DNA expands and we experience positive emotions. This is also apparent in neuroscience. These states of divergent versus convergent awareness are only accessible beyond the analytical mind. So, when the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is deactivated in our brain and we feel this profound freedom from ourselves, we're also releasing ourselves from the loops and shackles of the thinking mind, even if our thinking is oriented towards the positive (which is the most wise orientation to position ourselves in, it’s shown to increase life span, health, longevity and vitality). We begin experiencing a more elegant, subtle and refined sentient intelligence that goes beyond thought and opens us to a wider network of sonic, sensory, luminous intelligence… the sacred geometric field of divine mind. This is a felt, psychic, visionary energy of pure awareness. It is breath. It is love. It is presence. It is pure consciousness.

The light matrices and networks of divine mind are not exclusive to the human brain, the field is a HEART MIND that includes the intelligence of the human heart, brain, body, sensory emotional landscape and extends into the wider pattern, blueprint and holographic design of genius itself which we can see expressing itself so obviously and gorgeously throughout nature. Broccolocini is a great example of the fractal geometry of genius intrinsic to nature. We see it in fruits, vegetables, flowers, exotic animal coats. We see it in our fingerprints, our DNA helixes. This is the sacred design of divine mind, what was coded to me as genius. This is the fundamental architecture of the interconnected web of life that unites us all and this is what we call the field. And this is our expanded mind that includes yet extends beyond the brain. This is the intelligence we have to sync up and come into integral agreement with if we truly wish to thrive. I call this the “choiceless choice”. We have the opportunity to choose this coherence consciously by surrendering into life totally or the abiding resonance of our true Self will choose it for us and initiate us out of resistance patterns into grace, as the ultimate act of love. In either scenario, it’s inevitable and is the accordant unison all life is moving towards. In the scenario where we choose it, life becomes a luxurious liquid honeymoon… rich in love, blessings, splendor and fulfillment. In the scenario where we resist it, we experience a depth of self inflicted suffering by virtue of discord with our true nature. Love is ever-present and always available for us. A question we can ask ourselves is, “Am I more devoted to self resistance, judgment, attachment and dual narratives or to my marriage with supreme love and the prosperous flourishing of all that is?” The key here is to bring our individual will into accord with our I Am will which is purely prolific and life advancing. Our life becomes a masterpiece when we devote it to serving love’s will and dharma.

It is by virtue of us expanding our awareness into the whole internally that allows for the epiphany of Self to arise through our sublime relaxation, deep breathing and heart attunement. So, imagine when you go to the spa and you melt so deeply into receiving your massage. Or when you’re making love… you let go entirely. You come out of your head and into your instrument… you engage the dance from a more sensory, erotic space. And again, when we let go energetically we experience a cascade of nitric oxide through our system which purifies and rejuvenates. It cleanses our brain and neural pathways, sparking neurogenesis… it’s like an organic molecular light bath that happens just in the release phase leading into flow when we are alert and restful in our body. Or when we’re submerging in feelings of deep bliss and oneness with our Self, body, heart and being in the present moment. By going beyond our analytical mind into sensory awareness, we create an enormous amount of internal space which expands our DNA and organically proliferates felt sensations of gratitude, bliss, appreciation and pure euphoria in our body.

When we enter these states of pure being, we’re ultimately richening our experience of positive emotion which directly sculpts our reality. This can only unfurl through deep cellular unwinding, release of resistance, friction and contraction. And in our letting go… in the deep release… we allow the emergence of positive emotion, revelation, epiphany and expanded consciousness to arise and birth in our chalice. Because when we melt this deeply into our body, our solar and sacral, we expand our DNA. Then our awareness begins to expand into a panoramic view of eternity. And as we open our body and heart, the contracted helixes in our DNA have an opportunity to breathe, open and expand with us so the living light intelligence (light is information) stored in our DNA codex can release from our DNA and filter into our conscious awareness which we experience as profound epiphany into the nature of Self.

When people feel cinched off from their flow it's because they're tight, they're wound up inside, they're overthinking, overstimulated, overwhelmed, distracted… they are full. There's no space in their mind and body. They have to create space internally for their energy to self organise and this begins with the simplicity of breath, relaxation, opening, deepening, sensing and feeling the warm radiance of love’s presence. They can also engage arts of sensuality for deep embodiment. Primal movement, dance, singing and chanting for vagal toning, painting, love making, poetry, cinematography, music, artistry of any nature, sound baths, wilderness immersions, hot/cold plunges, gratitude ceremonies, visioning, deep play. Anything wholesome that is based in feeling and allowing versus thinking and forcing. It’s simply the art of living beyond our stories and definitions so we can be moved by the quintessence of genius.


Place your hands on your heart 

Relax deeply into your body


Quiet and still your mind

Move into exquisite, pristine silence

Feel the rhythmic pulse of your breath oscillating through your body

Focus on feeling and breathing, feeling and breathing 

Notice the subtle, nuanced sensations and visions arising in your awareness 

Attune to the sounds of your environment, listen with your whole body

Expand your awareness beyond your body into the all, experiencing yourself as your space, home sanctuary, environment, the vast exquisiteness of nature, the earth, galaxies, cosmos and eternal mosaic of being 

Become aware of yourself as all that is (the all as the body of your master avatar)

Melt into the sumptuous sensations of your I Am presence: oneness, wholeness, lightness, grace, interconnection, peace, perfection, provision, prosperity, pure power and the fluorescence of love’s genius, feeling at one with the astounding beauty, brilliance and magnitude of all that you are in truth

From this space, begin exploring your infinite nature and cosmology of Self, from the macro to the microcosm… the design, rhythms, cadence, movements, cycles and seasons of nature, of eternity, of your own heart, soul and body

This is your divine supernature and purest quintessence 

Revel in your excellency, allow love to embrace and adorn you and deeply celebrate all that you are

When we resonate of one accord with the truth of our supreme being, we cohere with our destiny blueprint and all that presents in our life is a mirror of our divine identity. The simulation of our outer world, which is precising feedback of our subconscious, transfigures into a superconscious paradise. This is the great work and true reality formation at its pinnacle: unification with the Self and the All. To know thyself, be thyself and experience nirvana.

All other elements of our unfolding bloom organically from here. We begin to access these awarenesses in a direct felt way in our own system so it really lands as truth for us because we're having the immediate felt experience of genius in our body… the total revelation and legacy of Self is contained in the frequency we call flow. With the wisdom, tools and technologies I provide in my mentorship experiences, I articulate the how and guide people to facilitate this for themselves. Whenever they so choose, direct coherence and knowing on command, in the moment, and how to navigate the advanced stages of flow as their expanded Self, embodied in their grand design, full access to their sacred powers. It’s ALL already within each of us. I only extract, augment and reflect their inner gold to serve as a source of empowerment. This is why people gravitate to my being, to synchronise with their divine supernature by virtue of being in love’s presence… for embodiment of their palpably pure god nature, love, truth, genius, clarity, power and visceral certainty. I demystify the mystical so people can inhabit their spiritual royalty, thrive gracefully and prosperously from their throne of natural enlightenment. We get to have it all with sensational eloquence, ease and grace because we ARE it all and the eternal now is the only moment all things exist within. 

As people master the art of allowing their liquid emanation of genius, they open into pure prolific fortune. The wealth of who they are. Everything in their embodiment and world flows freely and velvet smooth including wisdom, passion, creativity, abundance, prosperity, love, elevated emotion, grace, fulfillment, blessings, ecstasy… everything… as a byproduct of systemic integrity and sincere heart communication with the field.

So when we're contracted and we create walls, borders, boundary and limitation in our lives, we also obstruct the flow of our creation, our awareness of Self, our radiance, our health, our creativity, our love, our wealth, what can effectively reach us… because we’ve made ourselves unavailable to aspects of the source that is desiring to operate through ALL people and things. When we are open, expanded, boundless and free in our knowing that ALL IS LOVE… all is life, light, truth, perfection, beauty, benevolence, paradise, HOME HERE AND NOW, we grant ourselves access to the fullness of all that we are including fountains of energy, wisdom, intelligence, space, time, freedom, resources, flow, vibrancy, momentum, euphoria, prosperity, love, sensuousness… eternally flowing magnificence… infinite all that we are as the one energy.

So thank you for asking this question. This transpired into a beautiful transmission. The best way for me to transmit is when I’m prompted because I can access infinite information, nothing is off limits. I can go anywhere, as we all can internally, so it’s gorgeous when it's organic, meaningful and relevant for someone and I can bring forward the total wisdom the divine wishes to convey through my being.

I hope this is supportive and deeply, vastly answered your question. To be actualised in the I Am that We Are is to focus on truth, think like god thinks, feel how god feels and experience life through our god Self lens of perception which is eternal light, love and possibility. Knowing the totality of who we are as spectacular perfection and simply being in awe as we flower orgasmically into the ballroom of our choosing. This is what it really means to be ALL IN… to be saturated in the aura of eternity on a seamless continuum. 

This is the absolute attainment of desire. This is destiny epitomised. This is the mansion of heaven. This is… everything.

We arrived here to be richly in love and live our legend fully!

Solara RoseComment